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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Research project

Sustainable training in the construction and social sectors (NABASO)

The research project "Sustainable training in the construction and social sectors" aims to strengthen the sustainability skills of vocational and company training personnel in two very divergent fields of vocational training and to develop, test and implement further training formats for this target group. This is one of the implementation projects in the BMBF's Sustainable Vocational Training - Future-Oriented Training (NIB) program.

Specifically, the joint project between TU Dortmund University, the Training Center (ABZ) Hamm and the Paritätische Akademie LV NRW is about developing and testing further training programs for trainers in the construction industry and practical instructors in daycare centers with a focus on sustainability and ultimately implementing them "nationwide" to make them future-proof.

While vocational training in the construction industry is carried out in the dual system with the systematic integration of inter-company training centers, the model of practice-integrated training (PiA) and thus the practical guidance in facilities such as daycare centers is becoming increasingly important in the development of skills throughout the entire training course in the technical college training of social pedagogy.

The sub-project in the field of social services on the part of the Chair of Social Pedagogy with a focus on the didactics of social pedagogy and the Paritätische Akademie LV NRW therefore deliberately aims to train and strengthen the sustainability skills of practical supervisors in child daycare facilities. Together with the network partner, further training formats are being generated for specialists in practical guidance in which vocational education for sustainable development is integrated as a building block and included as a central element in the design of learning in the process of (socio-educational) work.

One of the primary goals of the two-year research project is to sensitize and train practical instructors in daycare centers to promote the topic of sustainable development in an integrative manner in training courses. The aim is also to design further training programs with a focus on sustainability in such a way that they can also be used in other training sectors and in teacher training

Addressed sustainability goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs):

Duration: 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2026

Funding code: funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF Plus)

Sub-project management and coordination: Prof. Dr. Uwe Uhlendorff
Research assistant: Katja Everaers (M.Ed.)
Stud. Assistant: Mira Backes

Practice network partner: Paritätische Akademie LV NRW

Project network with:

Institute for General Educational Science and Vocational Education (IAEB)
Overall and sub-project management: Dr. Anne Busian - Associated partner UNESCO Chair for Vocational Education, Skills Development and the Future of Work: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Schröder

In cooperation with the Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH in the construction industry sub-project with the Hamm training center.



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