Valerie Bergmann, M.A.
Main areas of work
- Knowledge transfer in day care centers
- Diversity and variety in the elementary sector
Office hours
By arrangement by e-mail; please let me know briefly your request and a preference as to whether you would prefer to have the consultation in person on site or digitally via Zoom.
Requests for theses
Students pursuing "Teaching at Vocational Colleges - Specialization in Social Education" and "Educational Sciences - Elective Field of Social Work" who are interested in writing their Bachelor's or Master's thesis with me, please note the following points:
- Please send inquiries in writing by e-mail. If you are asking other people at the same time, please put them in CC in your e-mail. This makes internal organization easier and we can provide feedback more quickly.
- Please send the topic, the question and an initial outline (with literature if necessary) with your request.
More information
Since 2023
Research associate, PhD at the Research Department Education and Upbringing in Childhood/ Technical University Dortmund
2022 - 2023
Research assistant in the research projects T²E²K² and TUE-R (for further information see research projects)/ Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit e.V.
2019 - 2023
Research assistant in the study program Education and Upbringing in Childhood/ Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Academic Qualification
Master of Education and Educational Science/ University of Hamburg
since 04/2024
Dissertation project
Transfer processes in child day care facilities (working title) -
Further information: here
- 2022 – 2023 „Transfer ins Team – Evaluation eines entwicklungsorientierten Unterstützungstools für Kindertageseinrichtungen im Kontext (T2E2K2)“, funded by Stiftung Kinder forschen, HAW Hamburg.
- 2022 – 2023 „Transferumfelder effektiv gestalten – ein Review zu Gelingens-bedingungen organisationaler Veränderungsprozesse in Kitas (TUE-R)“, funded by Stiftung Kinder forschen, HAW Hamburg.
Bergmann, V., Hogrebe, N. & Ulber, D. (angenommen). Kitas entwickeln. Wie Träger den Wissenstransfer in Kitas unterstützen können. Frühe Bildung.
Hogrebe, N., Ulber, D., Bergmann, V. & Schmidt, A. (im Druck). Transferumfelder effektiv gestalten – ein Review zu Gelingensbedingungen organisationaler Veränderungsprozesse in Kitas (TUE-R). In Stiftung Kinder forschen (Hrsg.), Kita-Entwicklung – Verstehen, Vernetzen, Verändern. Barbara Budrich.
Ulber, D., Hogrebe, N., Bergmann, V., Schmidt, A. & Schulder, S. (im Druck). Transfer ins Team: Evaluation eines entwicklungsorientierten Unterstützungstools für Kindertageseinrichtungen im Kontext (T2E2K2). In Stiftung Kinder forschen (Hrsg.), Kita-Entwicklung – Verstehen, Vernetzen, Verändern. Barbara Budrich.
Hogrebe, N., Bergmann, V. & Timmermann, M. (2022, 02. Dezember). Inklusion und Diversität aus Sicht von Kita-Leitungen. Diverse Kindheiten.
Conference Proceedings
Ulber, D., Hogrebe, N. & Bergmann, V. (2023, August 22-26). Supporting knowledge transfer in early childhood education -a mixed-method evaluation study [Poster]. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- 2021-2022
Participation in the program "Gate Opening intersektional – Lamassu" for the promotion of young scientists / Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.