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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Research assistant

Nora Jehles, M.A.

Focus of work

  • Early childhood education in day care centers
  • Child poverty
  • Segregation
  • Municipal social policy
  • Empirical social research
  • Secondary data analysis

Office hours

By appointment via email; Please briefly let me know your concerns as well as a preference as to whether you would prefer to have the consultation in person on site or digitally via Zoom.

Requests for theses

Students pursuing "Teaching at Vocational Colleges - Specialization in Social Education" and "Educational Sciences - Elective Field of Social Work" who are interested in writing their Bachelor's or Master's thesis with me, please note the following points:

  • Please send inquiries in writing by e-mail. If you are asking other people at the same time, please put them in CC in your e-mail. This makes internal organization easier and we can provide feedback more quickly.
  • Please send the topic, the question and an initial outline (with literature if necessary) with your request.

More information

Since 2023
Research Associate at the Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education and Early Childhood Education (ISEP), TU Dortmund University.

2019 - 2023
Research Associate at the Institute for Social Policy and Social Management (ISSM), Faculty of Applied Social Science, Cologne University of Applied Sciences,

2016 - 2018
Project coordinator/scientific assistant at the association Familiengerechte Kommune e.V. Bochum.

Research associate at the research network of the Technical University of Dortmund and the German Youth Institute (DJI), Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendhilfestatistik (AKJStat).

Research associate at the Center for Interdisciplinary Regional Research (ZEFIR), Ruhr University Bochum.

Social planner at the social welfare office of the city of Mülheim an der Ruhr.

Since 2018
PhD at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Faculty of Social Sciences, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. em. Klaus Peter Strohmeier and Prof. Dr. Jörg Bogumil

Master's degree in Social Science, Urban and Regional Development Program, Ruhr University Bochum, Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.), Grade 1.2

Bachelor's degree in Social Science, Ruhr University Bochum, Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), grade 1.3

Jehles, Nora (2023): "Hürdenlauf zur Kita 2.0 - über den sozial ungleichen Zugang zu Kita", Forum Jugendhilfe, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (AGJ).

Jehles, Nora (2023): "Data for action?!" Social Infrastructure to Combat Child Poverty Consequences Using the Example of Child Day Care, Forum Jugendhilfe, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (AGJ).

Jehles, Nora (2023): Kinderarmut - arm in einem reichen Land und die Rolle der Kita, in: Kita aktuell.

Jehles, Nora (2023): Kommunale Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit im frühkindlichen Bildungssystem, in: Brüggemann, Christian; Hermstein, Björn; Nikolai, Rita (eds.): Bildungskommune - Bedeutung und Wandel kommunaler Politik und Verwaltung im Bildungswesen, Beltz Juventa.

Jehles, Nora; Knüttel, Katharina; Jakob, Schuchardt (2022): Social division from the beginning?! Structural Conditions of Daycare Segregation in German Youth Welfare Districts, in Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.): Analyses and Concepts.

Jehles, Nora (2022): Segregation in the early childhood education system, in Marquardsen, Kai (ed.): Handbuch Armutsforschung, Nomos Verlag.

Hilke, Maren; Jehles, Nora; Leitner, Sigrid (2022): Subjective perceptions and coping with income poverty. In: Marquardsen, Kai (ed.): poverty research : handbook for science and practice. Baden-Baden: nomos, pp. 147 - 161.

Brettschneider, Antonio; Leitner, Sigrid; Schütte, Johannes D.; Hilke, Maren; Jehles, Nora; Pullen, Armin; Schäfer, Stefan (2020): Qualitative investigation of subjective characteristics and dynamics of social situations, Report on the accompanying research to the Sixth Poverty and Wealth Report of the Federal Government.

Blatter, Kristine/ Jehles, Nora (2020): Distribution of state subsidies to Kitas in North Rhine-Westphalia. In line with needs or missing the mark? Neue Praxis,H. 1, pp. 58-74.

Münstermann, Hanna/ Jehles, Nora (2019): Der KECK-Atlas als kleinräumiges Monitoring-Instrument - auch für die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, in: Begemann, Maik-Carsten/ Birkelbach, Klaus (eds.): Forschungsdaten für die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Qualitative und quantitative Sekundäranalysen.

Knüttel, Katharina/ Jehles, Nora/ Kersting, Volker: Frühe Bildung trifft Armut? The regional relationship between early childhood education and child poverty in North Rhine-Westphalia, in Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.): Analysen und Konzepte, issue 1.

Groos, Thomas/ Trappmann, Carolin/Jehles, Nora (2018): "Keine Kita für alle - Zum Ausmaß und den Ursachen von Kita-Segregation," Schriftenreihe Arbeitspapiere wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung "Kein Kind zurücklassen!" Place of publication: Gütersloh.

Jehles, Nora (2017): Diversity of family life in Europe. Development of participation in early childhood education and care in Europe in relation to social inequality and migration. In: Kurtenbach, Sebastian/ Citlak, Banu/ Lueneburg, Megan/ Zlatkova, Meglena (eds.) The new diversity of family life in Europe. Mobile ethnic groups and flexible boundaries, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Jehles, Nora/ Pothmann, Jens (2016): Quantities, distributions and averages. selected data on unaccompanied minor refugees, in Fischer, Jörg/ Graßhoff, Gunther: Unaccompanied minor refugees. 1st special volume 2016 Sozialmagazin, Beltz Verlag, Weinheim Basel.

Jehles, Nora (2016): "Inclusion assistance and assistance for upbringing under one roof - Official data on the inclusive solution" , in: Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) (ed.): Jugendhilfereport 04/2016.

Jehles, Nora; Pothmann, Jens (2015): Beschleunigter Anstieg der Inobhutnahmen - vor allem aufgrund unbegleiteter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge, Kommentierte Daten der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Heft Nr. 2/15, 18. Jg.

Jehles, Nora; Meiner-Teubner, Christiane (2015): How meaningful is the cut-off date? - An analysis of utilization rates over the course of the year, Kommentierte Daten der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Heft Nr. 2/15, 18. Jg.

Jehles, Nora (2015): Amtliche Daten zur Kindertagesbetreuung - ein Blick nach Österreich, Kommentierte Daten der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Heft Nr. 2/15, 18. Jg.

Groos, Thomas; Jehles, Nora (2015): Auswirkungen von Armut auf die Entwicklung von Kindern, Schriftenreihe Arbeitspapiere wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung "Kein Kind zurücklassen!" Place of publication: Gütersloh.

Strohmeier, Klaus Peter; Gehne, David H.; Groos, Thomas; Jehles, Nora (2014): The professional accompanying research. Concept and initial results, Schriftenreihe Arbeitspapiere wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung "Kein Kind zurücklassen!" Place of publication: Gütersloh


"Data for Action?!" Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Monitorings zu Kinderarmut, Symposium "25 Jahre Stadtjugendamt Gummersbach", Gummersbach.

"Frühe Hilfen und Armutsprävention?", annual conference of the network coordinators of early help in the Landschaftverband Rheinland (LVR), Cologne.

"Frühe Hilfen und Armutsprävention?", Annual Conference of Network Coordinators of Early Help in the Landschaftverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), Münster.

"Integrated Social Planning and Preventive Social Policy . Between Claim and Reality" together with Prof. Dr. Antonio Brettschneider, Social Conference Ruhr, RVR and GiB NRW, Gelsenkirchen.

"(K)eine Chance von Anfang an?!", network meeting of the project "Zusammen im Quartier", Castrop-Rauxel.

"(K)eine Chance von Anfang an?!", Gelsenkirchen Education Conference, Gelsenkirchen.

"The importance of integrated social planning for a preventive social policy" together with Prof. Dr. Antonio Brettschneider, Vernetzungstreffen Sozialpolitikforschung NRW, Mettmann.

"Poverty and its effects on children's growing up and development", Social Work Conference, Ahlen.

"Institutional Segregation in Child Day Care Facilities - Mixed-Methods Study on Extent and Causes of Day Care Segregation at the Municipal Level," Colloqium of the German Youth Institute (DJI), online.

Session "Gesundes Aufwachsen unter Bedingungen sozialräumlicher und regionaler Disparitäten" with Jakob Schuchardt, Sylvia Greshake, Katharina Knüttel, Till Stefes and Volker Kersting, Kongress Armut und Gesundheit, Berlin.

"Kita-Segregation -Ausmaß, Ursachen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten," Congress Poverty and Health, online.


"Segregation in Big Cities. Adult Education as an Instrument of Modern Civil Society?", presentation at the annual conference of metropolitan adult education centers, Erfurt.

"Ungleiches ungleich behandeln " - Data Sources and Social Indices for Education Monitoring, presentation at the 11th Network Meeting of the Transfer Agency Brandenburg, Chorin.

"ChancenUNgleicheit - Kinderarmut in Deutschland", lecture at the advanced training events for group prophylaxis specialists in Lower Saxony.

"Social Exclusion as a Challenge for Municipalities", Social Conference Bocholt.

"Kommunale Steuerung und Bedarfsplanung", presentation together with Volker Kersting at the expert event of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (AGJ) "Kita-Träger zwischen wachsender Verantwortung und Überforderung", online.

"Ausmaß und Ursachen von Kita-Segregation auf regionaler Ebene", presentation at the symposium "Entgrenzungen im Zugang zu (früh-)kindlichen Bildungseinrichtungen? Handlungsräume zwischen staatlicher Steuerung, strukturellen Bedingungen und parterlichen Wahlmuster" at the Congress of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE).


"Armut, Diskriminierung und Corona - Herausforderungen für die pädagogische Arbeit", Fachtag der Elternschule Hamm e.V..

"(K)eine Kita für alle?!" Findings on Kita-Segregation, lecture at the symposium "Quality and Participation for All! Armutssensibles Handeln als Beitrag zur Trägerqualität" of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland.

"The Influence of Poverty on the Development of Children - What to Do?", presentation at the network meeting on poverty sensitivity, Hürth.

"Dimensionen sozialer Ausgrenzung im frühkindlichen Bildungssystem mit Fokus auf Segregation" [Dimensions of Social Exclusion in theEarly Childhood Education System with a Focus on Segregation], presentation at the expert forum "Soziale Ausgrenzung im Kindes- und Jugendalter - Ansatzpunkte der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe" [Social Exclusion in Childhood and Adolescence - Starting Points for Child and Youth Services] at the Deutscher Kinder- und Jugendhilfetag [German Child and Youth Services Conference], online.


"Magnifying glass instead of watering can?-How the North Rhine-Westphalian youth welfare offices distributed additional funds for educational equity in the early childhood education system," poster presentation at the Poverty and Health Congress, Berlin.

"The ECEC expansion policy in Germany and its effect on social inclusion", presentation together with Prof. Dr. Sigrid Leitner at the annual conference of the European Network for social policy analysis (ESPAnet) "Social Citizenship, Migration and Conflict - Equality and opportunity in European welfare states" in Stream 21 "The Politics of Education", Stockholm.

"The KECK atlas as a basis for a family-friendly municipality", presentation together with Beatrix Schwarze, Werra-Meißner-Kreis.

"The Influence of Poverty on the Development of Children - What to Do?", lecture at the symposium "Kinderarmut und ihre Folgen - Was können wir als Fachkräfte tun und was brauchen wir dafür?", Leverkusen.

"Die kommunale Nutzung von Daten der Schuleingangsuntersuchung" [The municipal use of data fromthe school entrance examination] , lecture in the context of the qualification series for youth welfare committee members "Datenbasierung und Co." of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR), Bensberg.

"Die kommunale Nutzung kleinräumiger Daten am Beispiel der Schuleingangsuntersuchung" [The municipal use of small-scale data using the example of the school entrance examination], lecture at the training event "Prozessschritte beim Aufbau des datenbasierten Kommunalen Bildungsmanagements" [Process steps in the development of data-based municipal education management] of the Transferagentur NRW, Recklinghausen.


"The Influence of Poverty on the Development of Children", lecture at the 2nd Minden Education Conference "Bildung vor Ort - Bildung im Quartier", Minden.

"Lupe statt Gießkanne? Evaluation zur Verteilung der Landeszuschüsse für plusKITA-Einrichtungen und Kindertageseinrichtungen mit zusätzlichem Sprachförderbedarf durch die Jugendämter in Nordrhein-Westfalen", presentation at the symposium "Kita-Förderung, Kita-Qualität und Sprachkompetenzen von Kindern", conference of the Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Basel.

"Stronger together?! Kooperation von Öffentlichem Gesundheitsdienst und Jugendhilfe zur Förderung der Gesundheitschancen sozial benachteiligter Kinder und Jugendlicher," panel discussion at the Poverty and Health Congress, Berlin.

"Überlegungen zum Monitoring Kommunaler Netzwerke gegen Kinderarmut im frühkindlichen Bereich", presentation at the 2nd working meeting of the LVR practice development project "Monitoring Kommunaler Netzwerke gegen Kinderarmut", Cologne.

"Der Einfluss von Armut auf die Entwicklung von Kindern" [The influence of poverty on children's development], lecture at the network conference "Bildungsgerechtigkeit - Kleine Kinder, große Chancen" [Educational justice - small children, great opportunities], Witten.

(for a complete listing of all lecture activities, see


  • "Handbuch Kommunale Sozialpolitik" (i.E) together with Prof. Dr. Antonio Brettschneider and Prof. Dr. Stefan Grohs, Springer Verlag.


  • Association for Social Planning (VSOP), member of the board since 2022
  • Center for Interdisciplinary Regional Research (ZEFIR), associate member since 2018.
  • German Sociological Association (DGS).

Reviewer activity

  • Social Forces