Dr. Nikias Obitz
Focus of work
- Participation in child and youth services
- Children's rights and child protection
- Qualitative and reconstructive social research
- Participatory and qualitative research with children (action research)
- Childhood research and childhood in Latin America/Colombia
- Social inclusion in health and education
- Poverty research, inequality research
- Agency research
- Practical experience in child and youth welfare
Office hours
Wednesdays 13.00-14.00
Due to the current situation, the consultation hours are conducted by phone/zoom meeting or by mail. Feel free to let me know your concerns briefly by mail, and we will arrange an appointment for a discussion in a timely manner.
Office hours during the lecture-free period:
by appointment via mail
Current publications
More information
since 01/09/2021
- Temporary Assistant Professor, Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education and Early Childhood Education (ISEP), Faculty 12 Educational Science, Psychology and Educational Research, TU Dortmund University of Technology
- Completion of PhD at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg Faculty I - Educational and Social Sciences "Self-organization of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents in Colombia: possibilities and perspectives of participation"
10/2018 - 08/2021
- Research assistant at TU Dortmund University Faculty of Education, Sociology and Psychology, Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education and Early Childhood Pedagogy
07/2015 - 09/2018
- Associate member of the doctoral program "Cultures of Participation" Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
10/2014 - 09/2018
- Doctoral Fellow of the Hans Böckler Foundation with the topic "Self-organization of socially disadvantaged children and youth in Colombia: possibilities and perspectives of participation" More information: here.
03/2014 - 08/2014
- Research assistant at HAWK Hildesheim in the externally funded project "Participation through Empowerment" Head: Prof. Dr. Hermes
03/2008 - 06/2010
- Master studies - Social Inclusion: Health and Education Ev. University of Applied Sciences Bochum R-W-L
03/2001 - 06/2006
- Diploma Studies - Social Work / Social Pedagogy, Ev. University of Applied Sciences Bochum R-W-L
08/2006 - 07/2013
- Katholische Jugendfürsorge Jugendhilfeverbund in Freising - social worker, social pedagogic family help - management of the practice model in the youth help independent living group/partially supervised living group for adolescents - social worker,management of all-day care, secondary school in Freising
06/2005 - 05/2006
- State recognition, Dipl.-Soz.-Arb. / Dipl.-Soz.-Päd, school social work at the comprehensive school in Witten,district government Arnsberg
- 06/2020- 07/2021 Scientific support of the research project DEMENZ DINGE in the Department of Design at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen.
- 03/2014 - 08/2014 Research assistant at the HAWK University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim in the third-party funded project "Participation through Empowerment", Head: Prof. Dr. Hermes
TU Dortmund Faculty of Education, Sociology and Psychology, since WiSe 2018/2019
- Teaching research project 1+2 and 3
BA study Educational Science, elective subject Social Pedagogy
- Specialization: Professionalism and competence to act
- Conceptual challenges of early childhood
since 2019 Evangelische Hochschule Bochum: University of Applied Siences since SoSe 2019
BA Social Work Module 4.1
- Seminar title: Participation in child and youth welfare services
Münster University of Applied Siences SoSe 2016
BA Social Work
- Seminar title: He who says A must also say B - Of actors and participation in youth welfare services.
- 2018: Heiko Löwenstein, Mustafa Emirbayer (Hrsg.): Netzwerke, Kultur und Agency. Problemlösungen in relationaler Methodologie und Sozialtheorie, Beltz Juventa (Weinheim und Basel), 2017
- 2018: Carsten Schröder (Hrsg.): Emotionen und professionelles Handeln in der
Sozialen Arbeit - Eine Ethnographie der Emotionsarbeit im Handlungsfeld der Heimerziehung, Springer 2017 - 2017: Silke Jakob (Hrsg.): Engagierte Jugendliche in der Gesellschaft - Bürgerschaft und Engagement in einer globalisierten Welt, Buderich Verlag, 2017
- 2015: Wouter Vandenhole, Ellen Desment, Didier Reynaert, Sara Lembrechts (Hrsg.):Routledge International Handbook of Childrens Rights Studies. Routledge 2015
- 2014: Christine Moritz (Hrsg.): Transkription von Videodaten in der Qualitativen Sozialforschung. Multidisziplinäre Annäherungen an einen komplexen Datentypus. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (Wiesbaden) 2013
- 2013: Wolf Rainer Wendt (Hrsg.): Zuwendung zum Menschen in der Sozialen Arbeit. Festschrift für Albert Mühlum. Lippe-Verlag (Lage) 2013.264 Seiten.
Zeitschrift und Bucheinträge
- 2022: Silke Jakob, Nikias Obitz (Hrsg.) Sammelband Solidarität und Krise, Buderich Verlag
- 2018: Hilse-Carstensen, Meusel, Zimmermann (Hrsg.) Sammelband „Freiwilliges Engagement und Soziale Inklusion Perspektiven eines gesellschaftlichen Phänomens in Wissenschaft und Praxis“, Praxisbeispiel „Soziale Inklusion von sozial benachteiligten Kindern und Jugendlichen in einer Selbstorganisation in Kolumbien- Citizenship von Kindersoldat*innen“
Beiträge in Periodika
- 2014: „Was bedeutet für mich Glück?" in AMOS. Heft 1/2014. Seite 7–8
- 2014: „Benposta - „Der gute Ort " - eine Republik von Kindern in Kolumbien in AMOS. Heft 1/2014. Seite 13
Invitations to speak (selection)
- 06/2018 Giessen Graduate Center of Social, Economic and Legal Sciences of the GGS Workshop: Participation from the Actors Perspective at the Justus - Liebig University in Giessen, "Political Participation from Children in Colombia".
- 03/2016 CSW Youth Forum 2016 UN Headquater New York, "Self organization of socially underprivileged children in Colombia".
- 12/2014 "Symposium on the Prevention of violence against children" in cooperation with Bilgi University in Istanbul and District National Education Directorate, "Self Organization of socially underprivileged children in Colombia"
- 06/2014 HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim, Holzminden, Göttingen Faculty of Social Work and Health "Children's Republic of Benposta in Colombia - (more) participation of children and adolescents?".
- 05/2013 Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, BA Social Work Seminar input on the topic: "Participation of children and adolescents in Colombia - utopia or reality?"
- 06/2013 DGSA Doctoral Colloquium EVH Bochum, "Self-help organizations of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents in Colombia and South Africa: possibilities of children's rights in everyday life".
- 06/2013 Summer-School at the University of Applied Science St-Pölten, Austria PhD program "International Doctoral Studies in Social Work (INDOSOW), Self-help organizations of socially disadvantaged children and young people in Colombia and South Africa: possibilities of children's rights in everyday life
- 05/2013 M.A. Childhood Studies and Children's Rights at the Freie Universität Berlin Children's Republic BENPOSTA from Colombia.
- 02/2013 2nd International Conference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE-2013) Role of Education and Technology, Bangkok, www.ifrnd.org, Self-help organizations of socially disadvantaged children and young people in Colombia and South Africa: possibilities of children's rights in everyday life.
(Poster) presentations
- 12/2016 PhD student day of Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg "Self-help organizations of socially disadvantaged children and young people in Colombia: possibilities and perspectives of participation"
- 10/2015 PhD Student Day of Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg "Self-organization of socially disadvantaged children and youth in Colombia: possibilities and perspectives of participation"
- 10/2014 PhD Student Day of Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg "Self-organization of socially disadvantaged children and youth in Colombia: possibilities and perspectives of participation"
- 06/2013 International Conference on the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Practice EVH Bochum Bochum, Self-help organizations of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents in Colombia and South Africa: possibilities of children's rights in everyday life.
04/2013 DGSA Annual Conference FH Frankfurt am Main, Perceiving, Analyzing, Intervening. Accesses to social realities, Your own shares in the systemic approach- mechanisms of action of SPFH/FH in the field of tension of financing models and dependencies of different actors in youth welfare.
- Participatory Social Research: A Systematic Introduction, KHSB in Berlin, directed by Prof. Dr. Michael Wright.
German Professional Association for Social Work (DBSH)
German Society for Social Work (DGSA)
German Society for Educational Sciences (DGFE)
German Society for Sociology (Sociology of Childhood) (DGS)
Paulo Freire Cooperation e.V.-Scientific Society-
Ruhr-University Bochum -Institute for Social Movements e.V.
German Korczak Society e.V.