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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Professor of Theory and Empiricism of Social Pedagogy

Prof. Dr. Markus Sauerwein

Focus of work

Social pedagogy/ social work

  • Social work and school
  • Youth in transnational comparison
  • Consequences of inpatient help
  • Child and youth welfare (youth work)
  • Profession and professionalism
  • Pedagogical quality
  • Recognition
  • Concepts of (educational) inequality
  • All-day/ all-day school
  • Science transfer

Office hours

Dear Students,

for office hours please register here.
For theses, you may also reserve two appointments, or the last appointment. Please bring a preliminary outline/expose.
For term papers, I also ask that you bring a preliminary outline and initial thoughts.

Best regards
Markus Sauerwein

Further information

Since October 2023
Professor of Theory and Empiricism of Social Pedagogy at TU Dortmund University

October 2022 - September 2023
Professor of Social Work with a focus on child and youth welfare at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences

September 2019 - September 2022
Professor of Theories and Methods of Social Work/International Social Work at Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

September 2018 - September 2019
Substitute professorship at the Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf - Theories and Methods of Social Work

April 2012 - September 2019
Research assistant at the DIPF | Leibnitz Institute for Research and Information in Education in the STEG project (study on the development of all-day schools) Project management Prof. Dr. E. Klieme


Graßhoff, G. & Sauerwein, M. (eds.) (2021): Legal entitlement to all-day care. Between the need for care and professional demands. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa

Sauerwein, M. N. (2017): Quality in all-day school educational settings: On classroom research and social pedagogy. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa

Journal/ Articles with peer review

Sauerwein, Markus; Danner, Annalena; Bock, Franziska; Idel, Till-Sebastian; Graßhoff, Gunther (2024): Qualified and Unqualified Staff in German All-day Schools. An Exploratory Overview. In: IJREE 12 (1-2023), S. 22–34. DOI: 10.3224/ijree.v11i1.04.

Sauerwein, M. & Danner, A. (2024): Personnel and qualification in all-day education. On the relationship between qualification and knowledge, reflexivity and child orientation. In: Journal for Educational Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11618-024-01239-2

Rother, P./ Sauerwein, M./ Fischer, N. (2024): Quality in the all-day school - Quality in the all-day school. In: Social passages. DOI: 10.1007/s12592-024-00495-7

Sauerwein, M. N. & Graßhoff, G. (2024): Trend Effects of Being in Care, from Early to Late Adulthood: A Comparative Look at Adults Who Were in Residential or Foster Care As Children and Those Who Did Not Experience Out-Of-Home Care In: Residential Treatment For Children & Youth, 1-25. DOI: 10.1080/0886571X.2024.2333757

Kahl, Y. & Sauerwein, M. N. (2023): Social space orientation as a professional orientation in study and practice. In: Social Work, 72(10), 359-365. DOI: 10.5771/0490-1606-2023-10-359

Danner, A./ Bock, F./ Rohde, D./ Graßhoff, G./ Idel, T.-S. & Sauerwein, M. (2023): Lay people as actors in all-day education. In: Social Passages. advance online publication. DOI: 10.1007/s12592-023-00443-x

Sauerwein, M./ Lünenschloß, J. & Kellner, J. (2023): Needs of children in all-day education In: Social Work, 72(3), 82-91. DOI: 10.5771/0490-1606-2023-3-82

Sauerwein, M. (2022): Where is the knowledge hidden in practice? In: New Practice(5), 430-447.

Sauerwein, M. & Vieluf, S. (2022): Global competencies as capabilities? A consideration of the PISA concept of global competencies from the perspective of the capability approach. In: ZEP Journal for International Educational Research and Development Education 45 1, 25-32.

Sauerwein, M. & Graßhoff, G. (2022): Subject-oriented all-day education - a child-centered view of all-day school. In: Discourse on Childhood and Youth Research 17 (2), 211-224. DOI: 10.3224/discourse.v17i2.06

Hermstein, B./ Bellenberg, G./ Nikolai, R. & Sauerwein, M. (2022): Governance of educational infrastructure under demographic volatility. Local conditions and developments of elementary school with multiple locations. In: DDS - Die Deutsche Schule 114 (2), 166-181. DOI: 10.31244/dds.2022.02.04

Sauerwein, M. N. & Kaul, I. (2022): Core elements of specialized school training for educators. A review.In: Education and upbringing 75 (1), pp. 74-89. DOI: 10.13109/buer.2022.75.1.74

Sauerwein, M. & Rother, P. (2022): Assistance in homework supervision and learning times from the perspective of pupils. In: Journal of Educational Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s11618-022-01071-6

Sauerwein, M. (2021): From the extracurricular to the academic. Reflections on a subject-oriented all-day education. In: New Practice(2), 89-105.

Sauerwein, M. N. & Vieluf, S. (2021): The capability approach as a theoretical-normative basis for the monitoring of educational equity In: DDS - Die Deutsche Schule 113 1, 101-117. DOI: 10.31244/dds.2021.01.09

Sauerwein, M. N. (2020): Contours of a further development of didactics for social pedagogy In: Soziale Passagen 12 2, 359-377. DOI: 10.1007/s12592-020-00359-w

Gaiser, J. M./ Sauerwein, M. & Kielblock, S. (2020): Extracurricular learning and support arrangements at all-day schools: Nationwide trend analyses and in-depth case studies. in: Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 67 (4), 243-261. DOI: 10.2378/peu2020.art23d

Sauerwein, M. N. & Rees, G. (2020): How children spend their out-of-school time - A comparative view across 14 countries. In: Children and Youth Services Review, 112, 104935. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.104935

Chiapparini, E./ Thieme, N. & Sauerwein, M. (2020): Day schools in Switzerland - a new and challenging field of action for social work. In: Swiss Journal of Social Work, 25 (1), 157-173.

Sauerwein, M. & Heer, J. (2020): Why are there no performance-enhancing effects of attending all-day programs? - or on the paradox of individual support. In: Journal of Pedagogy 66 , 78 - 101.

Sauerwein, M. N./ Thieme, N. & Chiapparini, E. (2019): What about all-day school? A research review with socio-pedagogical commentary. In: Social Passages 11 1, 81 - 97. DOI: 10.1007/s12592-019-00318-0

Theis, D./ Sauerwein, M. & Fischer, N. (2019): Perceived quality of instruction: The relationship among indicators of students' basic needs, mastery goals, and academic achievement. In: The British journal of educational psychology 90, 176 - 192. DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12313

Sauerwein, M. (2018): Participation in all-day schools - in-depth analyses. in: Journal of educational science, 62(6), 830-855. DOI: 10.1007/s11618-018-0844-9

Vieluf, S. & Sauerwein, M. N. (2018): Does a lack of teachers' recognition of students with migration background contribute to achievement gaps? In: European Educational Research Journal. DOI: 10.1177/1474904118810939

Sauerwein, M. & Klieme E. (2016): Notes on the concept of quality in educational research In: Swiss Journal of Educational Sciences 38 3, 459 - 478. DOI: 10.25656/01:15125

Sauerwein, M./ Theis, D. & Fischer, N. (2016): How Youths' Profiles of Extracurricular and Leisure Activitiy Affect Their Social Development and Academic Achievement. In: International Journal for Research on Extended Education 4 1, 103 - 124. DOI: 10.25656/01:15077

Sauerwein, M. (2016): Quality characteristics in all-day programs from the students' perspective In: Schulpädagogik heute 7 13, 21.

Fischer, N./ Sauerwein, M./ Theis, D. & Wolgast, A. (2016): Learning to read in all-day schools: Do all-day programs contribute to reading promotion at the beginning of lower secondary level? In: Journal of Pedagogy 62 (6), 780-796.

Sauerwein, M./ Schäfer, S./ Schoneville, H. & Thole, W. (2013): Studying social work and volunteering: results of a student survey on volunteering by social work students. In: Der Pädagogische Blick, 21(1), 45 - 57.

Thole, W. & Sauerwein, M. (2013): Have experienced very often in my life how important it is to get help: On the motives to study social work - empirical soundings. In: New Practice, 5 13, 405-422.

Contributions to edited volumes/ contributions to journals without peer review

Gerecht, M./ Krüger, H.-H./ Sauerwein, M. & Schultheiß, J. (2024): Personnel. In: B. Schmidt-Hertha, A. Tervooren, R. Martini & I. Züchner (Eds.): Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2024. Prepared on behalf of the German Association for Educational Science (DGfE). 1st edition. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich publishing house, 139-172.

Sauerwein, M. & Graßhoff, G. (2024): Ganztag vom Kind aus gedacht - What do children understand by a good Ganztag? In: L. Neininger & S. Hiller (eds.): Zukunft Ganztagesbetreuung. Education and care from the child's perspective. 1st edition. Contributions to educational support, 53. Freiburg: Lambertus, 19-32.

Danner, A. & Sauerwein, M. (2023): Pedagogical laypersons in all-day education. The myth of opening up the all-day school. In: Sozial Extra. DOI: 10.1007/s12054-023-00628-x

Chiapparini, E./ Sauerwein, M. & Graßhoff, G. (2023): Social work in the school arena: laicization or professionalization of social pedagogical expertise? In: Commission on Social Pedagogy (ed.): Publications of the Commission on Social Pedagogy. Social pedagogical professionalization in crisis? 1st edition. Juventa Verlag, 128-140.

Sauerwein, M. & Schipolowski, S. (2023): All-day and half-day schools - (no) difference? In: B. Hopmann (ed.): Edition soziale Arbeit. Soziale Arbeit im schulischen Kontext: Zuständigkeit, Macht und Professionalisierung in multiprofessional Kooperationen. 1st edition. Juventa Verlag, 67-85.

Sauerwein, M./ Gumz, H. & Deinet, U. (2022): All-day school and youth work: stumbling blocks and opportunities for cooperation. In: Tanorama, 2/2022, 26-29.

Sauerwein, M. & Rother, P. (2022): Participation and recognition instead of equal opportunities - a socio-pedagogical perspective on all-day school. In: M. Jörgens, J. Sander & S. Werner (eds.): Reading socialization and media. Promoting reading in the all-day school. 1st edition. Beltz Juventa, 54-73.

Rother, P. & Sauerwein, M. (2022): Homework in all-day schools: Informal strategies of pupils. In: K. Bräu, P. Rother & L. Fuhrmann (Eds.): The hidden sides of homework. 1st edition. Juventa Verlag, 148-162.

Graßhoff, G./ Idel, T.-S. & Sauerwein, M. (2022): All-day school. In: H. Bennewitz, H. de Boer & S. Thiersch (Eds.): Handbook of research on pupils. 1st edition. Waxmann, 153-162.

Graßhoff, G. & Sauerwein, M. (2022): The legal entitlement to all-day care: professionalization or deprofessionalization of care? In: unsere jugend ,74 ( 6), 238-244. DOI: 10.2378/uj2022.art35d

Graßhoff, G. & Sauerwein, M. (2021): The future of all-day care: Now is the time to shape it In: BVkE Info, 3/2021, 2-3.

Sauerwein, M. & Graßhoff, G. (2021): Changing framework and structural principles of youth work through all-day school? In: U. Deinet, B. Sturzenhecker, L. von Schwanenflügel & M. Schwerthelm (eds.): Handbuch Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 1639-1653.

Sauerwein, M. N. & Theis, D. (2021): Can lacking measurement invariance in school improvement research be interpreted? In: B. Oude Groote Beverborg, T. Feldhoff, K. Maag Merki & F. Radisch (Eds.): Concept and Design Developments in School Improvement Research, Springer , 1639-1653.

Rother, P./ Bebek, C./ Haude, C./ Idel, T.-S./ Graßhoff, G. & Sauerwein, M. (2021): All-day settings as arenas of "multiprofessional" discourses and practices. In: K. Kunze, D. Petersen, G. Bellenberg, M. Fabel-Lamla, J.-H. Hinzke, A. Moldenhauer, L. Peukert, C. Reintjes & K. te Poel (Eds.): Studies on professional research and teacher education. Cooperation - Coordination - Collegiality. Findings and discourses on the (multi-)professional cooperation of pedagogical actors in schools, Klinkhardt, 209-226.

Heer, J. & Sauerwein, M. (2021): School development as a cooperation project between educational research and school practice using the example of StEG-Tandem. In: H. G. Holtappels, N. Fischer, S. Kielblock, B. Arnoldt & J. M. Gaiser (Eds.): Individual support at all-day schools. Weinheim: Beltz Publishing Group, 135-156.

Brisson, B./ Heyl, K./ Sauerwein, M./ Theis, D./ Fischer, N. & Klieme, E. (2021): StEG-Tandem: School development project and evaluation study. In: H. G. Holtappels, N. Fischer, S. Kielblock, B. Arnoldt & J. M. Gaiser (Eds.): Individual support at all-day schools. Weinheim: Beltz Publishing Group, 96-104.

Graßhoff, G. & Sauerwein, M. (2021): Socio-educational concepts and methods in schools. In: G. Graßhoff & M. Sauerwein (eds.): Legal entitlement to all-day schooling. Between the need for care and professional demands. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa, 202-218.

Sauerwein, M. & Lossen, K. (2021): The expansion of all-day schools in the primary sector - an assessment based on the StEG education monitoring. In: G. Graßhoff & M. Sauerwein (eds.): Legal entitlement to all-day schooling. Zwischen Betreuungsnotwendigkeit und fachlichen Ansprüchen. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa, 58-80.

Graßhoff, G. & Sauerwein, M. (2021): Introduction. In: G. Graßhoff & M. Sauerwein (eds.): Legal entitlement to all-day schooling. Between the need for care and professional demands. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa, 7-20.

Sauerwein, M. (2020): Social work in Brazil. Perspectives of social workers in administration and higher education. In: sozialmagazin, 45 ( 9-10), 86-89.

Thole, W. & Sauerwein, M. (2020): Growing up today, education and the potential of child and youth work. In: Land Steiermark - A6 Bildung und Gesellschaft & FA Gesellschaft - Referat Jugend (ed.): Jugendarbeit: Potentiale und Perspektiven. Attempt at an interdisciplinary discussion, 135-152.

Graßhoff, G. & Sauerwein, M. N. (2020): School and social pedagogy. In: T. Hascher, T.-S. Idel & W. Helsper (Eds.): Handbook of school research. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 599-613. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-24729-4_27

Sauerwein, M. (2020): Conceptual design of the legal entitlement to all-day care at all-day schools. In: Nachrichten Dienst, 100 (4), 166-171.

Sauerwein, M. & Fischer, N. (2020): Quality of all-day offers. In: P. Bollweg, J. Buchna, T. Coelen & H.-U. Otto (eds.): Handbuch Ganztagsbildung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 1523-1534.

Gerecht, M./ Krüger, H.-H./ Sauerwein, M. & Schultheiß, J. (2020): Personnel. In: H. J. Abs, H. Kuper & R. Martini (Eds.): Data report on educational science 2020. Barbara Budrich, 115-146.

Sauerwein, M. & Thieme, N. (2020): On the double mix of school and socio-educational responsibilities in all-day schools. In: P. Cloos, B. Lochner, H. Schoneville (eds.): Social work as a project. Contouring discipline and profession. Commemorative publication on the 65th birthday of Werner Thole. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 249 - 271.

Thole, W. & Sauerwein, M. (2019): Current social challenges for child and youth work - education and learning under changing conditions. In: Handbook - Youth needs strong partners, 8-9.

Sauerwein, M. N. & Belz, U. (2019): Youth-friendly all-day school. In: T. Braun (ed.): All-day perspective?! Designing all-day education with cultural education for children and young people. Kulturelle Bildung, Vol. 65, Munich: kopaed, 131-144.

Sauerwein, M. & Heer, J. (2019): "it's also just ONE example of how this was implemented, so to speak". In: Sozial Extra, 43 (2019) 4, 271 - 275.

Brisson, B./ Sauerwein, M./ Heyl, K. & Theis, D. (2019): StEG-Tandem: A school development study on the introduction of cooperative forms of learning in homework supervision or learning times at all-day schools Background, concept and initial results. In: S. Maschke, G. Schulz-Gade & L. Stecher (eds.): Designing homework and learning times in a pedagogically meaningful way. Current developments and lines of discussion. Yearbook Ganztagsschule, 2019/20, Frankfurt/M.: Debus Pädagogik, 121-138.

Sauerwein, M./ Lossen, K. & Klieme, E. (2019): All-day school expansion in Bremen in the context of school reform. In: K. Maaz, M. Hasselhorn, T.-S. Idel, E. Klieme, B. Lütje-Klose, P. Stanat, M. Neumann, A. Bachsleitner, J. Lühe, S. Schipolowski (Eds.): Zweigliedrigkeit und Inklusion im Empirischen Fokus. Results of the Bremen school reform. Waxmann, 163-176.

Sauerwein, M (2019): Quality in teaching and programs at all-day schools. In: social magazine, 44 1-2, 67 - 76.

Sauerwein, M. (2018). Changes in youth work in times of all-day schools. Sozial Extra, 42 (6), 52-54. DOI: 10.1007/s12054-018-0101-8

Vieluf, S./ Göbel, K./ Sauerwein, M. (2018): Intercultural teaching. In: I. Gogolin, V. B. Georgi, M. Krüger-Potratz, D. Lengyel & U. Sandfuchs (eds.): Handbuch interkulturelle Pädagogik. UTB Pädagogik: Vol. 8697. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 216 - 219.

Sauerwein, M. N./ Hannemann, J. & Rollett, W. (2018): Supplementary distinguishing features for the organizational form of all-day schools: Content breadth of offer, conceptual links, time organization. In: K. Drossel & B. Eickelmann (eds.): Does "What works" work? Educational policy, educational administration and educational research in dialog. Münster: Waxmann, 241-258.

Tillmann, K./ Sauerwein, M./ Hannemann, J./ Decristan, J./ Lossen, K./ & Holtappels, H. G. (2017): Promoting reading literacy through participation in all-day programs?- Results of the study on the development of all-day schools (StEG). In: M. Schüpbach, L. Frei, & W. Nieuwenboom (Eds.): Day schools. An overview. Wiesbaden: Springer Wiesbaden, 289- 307. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-19024-8_16

Sauerwein, M./ Lossen, K./ Theis, D./ Rollett, W. & Fischer, N. (2017): On the significance of attending all-day school offers for the prosocial behavior of pupils: results of the study on the development of all-day schools. In: M. Schüpbach, L. Frei, & W. Nieuwenboom (Eds.): Day schools. An overview. Wiesbaden: Springer Wiesbaden, 269-288.

Theis, D. & Sauerwein, M. N. (2015): Reading makes you strong. in: Lernende Schule, 69 18 , 39-41.

Fischer, N./ Sauerwein, M. & Theis, D. (2012): All-day school between expectations and reality - An overview of the results of the study on the development of all-day schools (StEG). In: M. J. Heibler & T. Schaad (eds.): Forum Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungspraxis: Vol. 4. Qualitätsentwicklung an Ganztagsschulen. Bamberg: University Press.

Sauerwein, M. (2012): Review of the book Taschenwörterbuch Soziale Arbeit, by W. Thole. In: D. Höblich & S. Ahmed (Eds.): Pocket dictionary of social work. Bad Heilbrunn. Stuttgart: Klinkhardt UTB 2012. EWR 11 2012, 5. URL:

Schäfer, S. & Sauerwein, M. (2010): The Bologna Process from the Students' Perspective.

Schoneville, H./ Sauerwein, M. N. & Watson, C. (2010): The students of social work. in: Sozial Extra, 34 9-10, 42-45.DOI: 10.1007/s12054-010-0103-7

(Political) reports, practice transfer

Danner, A./ Marr, E./ Sauerwein, M./ Thieme, N. (2023):Thematic focus: Structural implementation of the legal entitlement to all-day education and care for children of primary school age from the perspective of stakeholders. In: Report on the state of expansion of all-day education and care services for primary school children according to §24a SGB VIII. Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, 40-56.

Prognos & ITES (2023): Report on the expansion status of all-day education and care services for primary school children according to §24a SGB VIII. Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Sauerwein, M. & Graßhoff, G. (2022): Field of action A: Mission statement. In: German Youth Institute/Continuing Education Initiative for Early Education Professionals (ed.): Ganztag für Grundschulkinder. Basics for competence-oriented further education: WiFF Wegweiser Weiterbildung, 34-45.

Klemm, K./ Sauerwein, M.N. & Zorn, D. (2019): Kosten der Anpassung bestehender Ganztagsgrundschulen an die Vorgaben des angekündigten Rechtsanspruchs. In: Bertelsmann Foundation (ed.).

Brisson, B./ Dohrmann, J./ Fischer, N./ Heer, J./ Heyl, K. & Klieme, E. (2019): StEG-Tandem. In: StEG Consortium (ed.): Individual support potentials of the all-day school, 26-35. DOI: 10.25656/01:19109

StEG Consortium (2019): All-day school 2017/2018. Descriptive findings of a nationwide survey. DOI: 10.25656/01:17105

Sauerwein, M & Lossen, K. (2018): Expertise on all-day school expansion in Bremen in the context of the Bremen school reform.

Sauerwein, M. (2016): The expansion of all-day schools in Germany and Lower Saxony. Quality offensive for primary school childcare. Lower Saxony Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, 10 - 15.

StEG Consortium (2016): All-day school 2014/2015. descriptive findings of a nationwide survey. DOI: 10.25656/01:19113

Decristan, J./ Fischer, N./ Heyl, K./ Klieme, E./ Sauerwein, M. N./ Theis, D. & Wolgast, A. (2016): StEG-S: Significance of experienced offer quality for the development of key competencies in lower secondary school. In: Ganztagsschule: Bildungsqualität und Wirkungen außerunterrichtlicher Angebote. Results of the study on the development of all-day schools 2012 - 2015, pp. 24-29.

Sauerwein, M. & Fischer, N. (2013): All-day school in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: State-specific supplement to the nationwide principal survey. Frankfurt am Main: German Institute for International Educational Research.

Sauerwein, M. & Fischer, N. (2013): All-day school in Lower Saxony: State-specific supplement to the nationwide principal survey. Frankfurt am Main: German Institute for International Educational Research.

Public relations/ transfer
Acquisition of third-party funding
Expert activities

Expert opinion and liaison lecturer for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Expert for the Standing Scientific Commission (SWK) of the KMK on the primary school report

Reviews for specialist journals

National: Soziale Passagen, Zeitschrift für Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften, SozialeArbeit

International: Developmental Psychology, Journal of Research on Adolescence


  • Evaluation of the expansion of all-day education and care services for primary school children according to §24a SGB VIII for the BMFSFJ. Applied for together with Nina Thieme.
  • Lay people as actors in all-day education. Explorative analyses in a multi-perspective mixed methods design (Laktat). (Applicants: Graßhoff, G.; Sauerwein, M.; Idel, T.S.;). DFG.
  • Survey of children in all-day programs in cooperation with the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences.
  • Needs of children in AWO open all-day programs and their desire to participate (BePa) - together with Silke Kuske.
  • School homework supervision from the children's perspective. A secondary analysis of the StEG-Tandem data. (01/2020 - 12/2020 - Applicants: Rother, P & Sauerwein, M.). Center for School, Education and Higher Education Research (ZSBH) at the University of Mainz.
  • Expertise on the expansion of all-day schools in Bremen.
  • Collaboration on the application: StEG 2016-2019: Sub-study "Individual support through peer tutoring in practice and learning times at open all-day schools" (applicants: Decristan, J.; Klieme, E.; Fischer, N.).
  • Expert opinion and liaison lecturer for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
  • Expert for the Standing Scientific Commission (SWK) of the KMK on the primary school report

Reviews for professional journals:

  • National: Soziale Passagen, Zeitschrift für Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften, SozialeArbeit
  • International: Developmental Psychology, Journal of Research on Adolescence