"Der Mensch spielt nur, wo er in voller Bedeutung des Wortes Mensch ist, und er ist nur da ganz Mensch, wo er spielt."
"Man plays only where he is man in the full meaning of the word, and he is only fully man where he plays."
Friedrich Schiller
Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen (1795), 15. Brief
Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795), 15th letter
What is the AMS?
The AMS comprises a collection of different play materials as well as literature and didactic concepts in the field of play pedagogy. The focus is on the elementary sector. Play materials and toys from different historical epochs are provided, such as classical approaches like the well-known Froebel play gifts or the classical Montessori materials, but also current modern approaches, such as media education in the daycare area, current board games for toddlers, etc.
In addition, the AMS offers historical and current materials for educator training, such as curricula from the situational approach or the series Bildung von Anfang an, as well as current literature on the topics of portfolios in the elementary sector, media education in preschool, science and mathematics education in daycare centers, and much more.
What is the AMS for?
The AMS, as a collection of play materials and didactic instructions, serves to document and at the same time provide materials for study and teaching. The diversity and historical developments of play pedagogy in the elementary sector become vividly apparent, for example, during a tour of the AMS.
The AMS presents and documents historical and current developments in material-based play pedagogy. In addition, play materials and didactic instructions can be borrowed by arrangement as part of courses in the field of early childhood education or as part of research and teaching.
Overview of topics and areas of the AMS:
- Froebel: play gifts and play materials
- Montessori materials
- Waldorf pedagogy: play and work materials
- Naef toys
- Didactic units and materials
- Games for language development
- Support and play programs (perception, concentration, thinking, etc.)
- Play and work materials for environmental education
- Building and construction toys
- Pre-experience with mathematics
- Scientific and technical games and programs
- New media and games
Is it possible to use materials?
After prior registration with Dominik Braun (contact: dominik.braun@tu-dortmund.de) a loan of selected game materials, for example for presentations in seminars or in the context of literature studies, is in principle possible. The prerequisite is that you are a member of FK12 and sign a corresponding contract at the lending desk.
Borrowing is generally possible on Thursdays. Information about the registration procedure and the loan can be found here