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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Press release of the Kinderschutzbund, regional association North Rhine-Westphalia

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Dispute over daycare funding: Child Protection Association in NRW calls for joint efforts

Wuppertal, 27.09.2023

In the current political dispute over daycare funding, the NRW state association of the Kinderschutzbund is calling for constructive cooperation between all parties involved. "We expect the state and municipalities to come to an agreement and to initiate effective immediate measures that will secure the standards of daycare," said Prof. Dr. Gaby Flösser, state chairwoman of the Kinderschutzbund in NRW. It is central to finally create a system that is consistently oriented to the well-being of the children. A rescue parachute must come, which offers a perspective to the mechanisms and the employees fast, so Flösser.

"We urgently need joint efforts for the good of the children, who are looking forward to qualified care and support in the Kita," state director Michael Kutz and state director Krista Körbes continued. At present many Kindertageseinrichtungen are because of the tariff conclusion in the public service and one also already in the apron not sufficient financing in financial existence emergency. The reserves are used up and the carrier portions are no longer to be financed. According to the state monitor "Early Childhood Education" of the Bertelsmann Foundation, 76 percent of all daycare centers in North Rhine-Westphalia are currently under non-public sponsorship; a daycare center collapse would therefore be tantamount to a clear-cut and thus a catastrophe - for the children and for the parents.

In view of the increased public and private expectations of early childhood education and care facilities, this is a declaration of bankruptcy from the point of view of the Kinderschutzbund in NRW. Child-centered education, integration and inclusion, language support and preparation for school based on equal opportunities are minimum standards, along with structural requirements for the reliability and security of care. Under the given conditions, however, not much of this can be realized. "Numerous local and district associations of the Kinderschutzbund in NRW are also sponsors of daycare facilities," adds Sibylle Friedhofen, chairwoman of the Kinderschutzbund in Sankt Augustin. "They fear that care standards will have to be lowered significantly and that early childhood education can thus no longer be guaranteed." The negative long-term consequences are not even foreseeable now - both for the children and for the parents, she said.


The child protection association regional federation North-Rhine/Westphalia registered association.

Contact: Nicole Vergin

Referent for press and public work

Hofkamp 102, 42103 Wuppertal

Mobile: 0163 699 13 52

E-Mail: n.vergindksb-nrwde


The child protection association (DKSB) regional organization North-Rhine/Westphalia registered association.

The child protection association makes itself strong in completely Germany for the rights of children and young people. In North Rhine-Westphalia alone there are about 100 local and district associations. They are all united in the NRW state association, the largest state association of the Child Protection League in Germany. The DKSB NRW offers services and support for children and families, intervenes in political discussions and provides impulses for the professional public.