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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

New Publication: Poverty in Childhood Pedagogical Institutions. Impulses for the development of a poverty-conscious attitude and practice.

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For the platform of research- and case-based learning, Anja Kerle, Jessica Prigge and Stephanie Simon have developed a brochure on the topic of poverty in childhood education institutions. Based on empirical material, insight is given into central challenges that pedagogical practice faces when dealing with (child) poverty. The brochure conveys relevant knowledge about poverty as a problem of society as a whole. In addition, it provides impulses for the development of a critical and reflective perspective on the work with children, parents and families experiencing poverty. On the basis of the key topics "classism", "social space" and "participation in child day care facilities", a reflexive attitude is stimulated in a knowledge-based manner. Didactically prepared case studies offer possibilities for dealing with the topic of poverty in the sense of case-oriented learning. They invite the reader to reflect on his or her own pedagogical practice. The brochure is aimed at teachers and learners in childhood and social education as well as social work and educational science qualifications in vocational and university education and can be used as teaching and learning material in this context. 

It is free to download ->


Anja Kerle, University Lecturer
​​​​​​​Jessica Prigge, M.A.
Stephanie Simon, M.A.