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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

The DGfE and its role in dealing with cases of sexualized violence against children and adolescents by pedagogical professionals

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Since 2010, the DGfE has been dealing with its own specific involvement in violent relationships in educational institutions. In the board as well as in the sections and commissions, different forms of confrontation have been tried out and research has been suggested. An important building block in this debate is the awarding of a reappraisal contract to the Institute for Conflict Research (IKF) in Vienna. On the basis of a questionnaire, which the cross-sectional "Working Group for the Reappraisal of the DGfE's Dealings with Sexualized Violence against Children and Adolescents" developed, the archival records of the DGfE, in particular, were examined. On this basis, a very good and precise report has been presented. After a discussion with the authors Helga Amesberger and Brigitte Halbmayr at the Council of Sections in November 2022 and a first presentation in the aforementioned working group, the report, which has been carefully pseudonymized and also subjected to a research ethical and legal review, is published today on the following website: https: //