Oliver Schleck, M. Ed.
Focus of work
- Field of work school social work
- Mediatization and digitalization
- Youth and media
- Professional action in social work
Office hours
In the winter semester 24/25, my consultation hours take place by appointment via e-mail. Please send me an e-mail and we will arrange an individual appointment in person or via Zoom.
Current publications

More information
since 2017
- Research associate at the Technical University of Dortmund at the Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education and Early Childhood Education - Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sociology.
11/2016 - 08/2017
- Freelance lecturer for health and social affairs - Grone Bildungszentrum NRW GmbH, Dortmund location.
04/2014 - 09/2016
- Master's degree in vocational college teaching - subject combination: social pedagogy, English
2012 - 2017
- Numerous internships as well as part-time jobs in working fields of child and youth welfare services
11/2014 - 09/2017
- Pedagogical specialist - Wellenbrecher e.V., "Die Koje" Lunen
04/2014 - 02/2015
- Pedagogical freelancer - Youth welfare office of the city of Dortmund, youth recreation center "Das Zentrum".
11/2009 - 09/2012
- Learning facilitator and part-time teacher at the business schools of the district of Steinfurt
In my dissertation I deal with the effects of digitalization/mediatization on the field of school social work. I am especially interested in the attitudes and orientations of professionals in the context of media pedagogical issues at school. More information: here
Current - Winter semester 2024/25
- 127135 + 127136: Teaching research project I + II - Thematic focus: Research into current challenges for social work using the documentary method
- Social work and school
- Social work in times of mediatization
- Introduction to intergenerational social work (with Jan Nicolas)
- Populist times as a challenge for social work (with Jan Nicolas)
- Youth cultures and youth scenes
- Cooperation in child and youth welfare
- Youth as a social pedagogical problem?
- School social work
- Introduction to scientific work
- Life phase youth and mediatization
- Teaching research project in the master's degree program for vocational colleges, specialization in social pedagogy
- Associate member of the German Society for Educational Science
Organization of meetings
- Organization and moderation of the forum "Cooperation in Child Protection" in the context of the symposium "Child Protection since Lügde" (together with Lucie Tonn from DKSB NRW)
WS 2018/19
- Research colloquium of the Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education and Pedagogy of Early Childhood (TU Dortmund University): "Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives in Social Work" (in cooperation with Jan Nicolas and Matthias Vollhase)
- "School Social Work as a Challenging Field of Work", guest lecture in the context of the seminar Arbeitsfelder der Sozialen Arbeit (Fields of Work in Social Work), responsible by Jan Nicolas, TU Dortmund University of Technology
- "Stumbling blocks and conditions for success in the cooperation process - A research perspective for school social work?" in the context of the research colloquium of the Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Early Childhood (TU Dortmund University)
- "Introduction to basic scientific working techniques", guest lecture at the business schools of the district of Steinfurt.
- Schleck, Oliver (2017): Schulsozialarbeit im Spannungsfeld zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Zur Notwendigkeit einer gelingenden Kooperation von Jugendhilfe und Schule im Kontext einer sich verändernden Lebensphase Jugend. Bochum/Freiburg: Projektverlag (= Dortmunder Beiträge zur Pädagogik; Bd. 51).
Beiträge in Büchern und Zeitschriften
- Schleck, Oliver (2024): School Social Work in the Digital Age – Increasingly important (not only) in Times of Crisis. In: Conference Proceedings „19th Education and Development Conference“, S. 84-99 ( ISBN-978-86-87043-96-1)
- Schleck, Oliver (2023): Forschungsnotitz - Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für die Schulsozialarbeit? Eine qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie zu handlungsleitenden Orientierungen und professionellen Werthaltungen sozialpädagogischer Akteur*innen in Schule. In: Soziale Passagen 15/2, S. 625-629.
- Schleck, Oliver; Witzel, Marc (2020): Mediale Aneignung im Spannungsfeld von Sozialpädagogik und Schule. In: Frank Niesloy & Erich Hollenstein (Hrsg.): Schulsozialarbeit in mediatisierten Lebenswelten. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. S. 56-67.
- Schleck, Oliver (2019): Didaktisch-methodische Handlungskonzepte. In: Michael Ledig, Gerhard Merget, Carsten Püttmann & Uwe Uhlendorff (Hrsg.): Erziehen als Profession. Lernfelder 1-3. Köln: Bildungsverlag EINS. S. 461-477.
- Schleck Oliver (2024): Rezension zu: Nicole Pötter: Schulsozialarbeit. 3. Auflage. Freiburg: Lambertus 2024.
- Schleck, Oliver (2020): Rezension zu: Annegret Reutter & Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff (Hrsg.): Schulsozialarbeit – Bilanz und Perspektiven. Tagungsband. Freiburg: FEL 2019.