Laurin Bremerich
Main areas of work
Specialist area:
- Psychosocial counseling,
- Methods of empirical practice and social research
- Quantitative methods
Research topics:
- All-day school research
- Procrastination in an academic and professional context
Further information
2015 -2019
Social Work and Social Pedagogy (B.A.) at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences
2019 - 2022
Social pedagogy with a focus on psychosocial counseling (M.A.) at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences Topic: Procrastination in the university context - The role of academic commitment and social support: A quantitative survey of students at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences
2022- 2023
Research assistant at the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences in the project: "Future of all-day schooling in Düsseldorf elementary school"
Project coordinator at the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences in the project "PsyGeCo - Mental Health in Times of Corona"
Research assistant at the Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education and Early Childhood Pedagogy at TU Dortmund University in the DFG project Lai:innen als Akteure in Ganztagsschule (LAKTAT)
Research assistant at the Institute for Theory and Empiricism of the Social in the project: Scientific evaluation and reporting on the expansion of all-day education and care services for children of primary school age
Çelik, F., Schäfermeier, E., Stelzmann, D., Arraf, S., Matthies, E., Bremerich, L., Roggenkamp, S., Schneider, S. & Schopf, K. (2024). PsyGeCo – Psychisch Gesund in Zeiten von Corona: Eine Evaluationsstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer psychoedukativen Kurzmaßnahme an weiterführenden Schulen. Kindheit Und Entwicklung, 33(2), 111–124.
Gormanns, Y., & Bremerich, L. (2024). (Be-)Deutungen von schulisch-organisierten Räumen aus der Perspektive von Kindern., 15(1). Verfügbar unter:
Huschik, G., Mohr, S., Reemtsma, R., Schmidt, A. M., Weßler-Poßberg, D., Bremerich, L., Marr, E., Sauerwein, M., & Thieme, N. (2024). Zweiter Bericht der Bundesregierung zum Ausbaustand der ganztägigen Bildungs- und Betreuungsangebote für Grundschulkinder nach § 24a SGB VIII. Zweiter GaFöG-Bericht (im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend). Abgerufen von
Bremerich, L., Graßhoff, G., & Sauerwein, M. (im Erscheinen). Quality beyond professionalism: Insights into German all-day schools. International Journal for Research on Extended Education.
Schäfermeier, Esther & Bremerich, Laurin & Gormanns, Yvonne & Agache, Alexandru. (2022). Familienalltag in Zeiten von Corona: Zur Betreuung von Kindern und Stress von Familien. 10.1515/9783110760361.
- Winter semester 2023/2024 as a lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences for the module: MPS.2: Methoden empirischer Praxis- und Sozialforschung
- Speaker at the workshop "Prokrastination überwinden in der Peer-Beratung: Ein Train-the-Trainer-Konzept", DGVT Congress, Berlin
- Speaker in the workshop "Prokrastination bewältigen: Ein Train-the-Trainer Workshop für psychosoziale Berater*innen", Department of Social and Cultural Sciences, Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences
- Speaker at the information event for students and lecturers on the topic of procrastination in studying and teaching at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences
“Research into quality dimensions in all-day education - theory-based empirical analyses”
My dissertation deals with the investigation of quality dimensions of all-day education in the primary sector in Germany. With the help of theory-based secondary analyses of quantitative data (longitudinal and cross-sectional) from several completed research projects, factors that may contribute to the quality of all-day education are analyzed. The aim of the thesis is to reflect on existing concepts of quality and to empirically substantiate them in order to enable a better understanding of the (structural and contextual) framework conditions of high-quality all-day care. The cumulative dissertation consists of four scientific articles and is intended to contribute to the further development of the quality discourse in educational research - both in theoretical and empirical terms.