Dominik Orlowsky
E-mail: dominik.orlowskytu-dortmundde
Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education and Early Childhood Education
Work focus
Please contact me by mail about the following topics: - Request of oral examination dates (Prof. Dr. Uwe Uhlendorff) - Consultation of the specialized practical activity (52 weeks) in the social pedagogy
Please feel free to write to the following email address: orga.sozialpaedagogik.fk12tu-dortmundde.
All important information for the recognition of the specialized practical activities within the framework of the teaching profession at vocational colleges (LABG 2009/ 2016/ 2022) can be found in this information sheet.
You can find further information for the recognition of the Fachpraktische Tätigkeit at:
Master of Education Teaching Degree at Vocational Colleges| Landesprüfungsamt für Lehrämter an Schulen (
Office hours
Open consultation hours during the lecture period:
Tuesdays 2.00 - 3.00 p.m.
Wednesdays 10.00 - 11.00 a.m.
Emil-Figge-Straße 50, Room 1.328