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Armut, Bildung und Soziale Ungleichheiten. Deutungen und Bedeutungen im Feld der Pädagogik der Kindheit
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Armut, Bildung und Soziale Ungleichheiten. Deutungen und Bedeutungen im Feld der Pädagogik der Kindheit
In this thesis, interpretations and meanings of social inequalities in the field of childhood pedagogy and, related to this, possible connections between education and poverty are examined in a qualitative-reconstructive way from the perspective of pedagogical professionals in day care centers as well as in scientific publications. The focus is on inequality-theoretical, scientific-theoretical, and professional-theoretical questions, which the author approaches through a reflexive analytical perspective. The book highlights problematic interpretations of the connections between poverty and education, such as individualizations and naturalizations of social inequalities, in both pedagogical and scientific practice.
Link to the book: Springer VS.
Language: german.